Holi is just round the corner and tickles the kid inside us.
It’s so nostalgic to remember good old childhood days when holi used to start a week prior to the actual day.
As a kid we used to be so excited to use water, colour and be messy officially.
Throwing water balloons and colours on friends and strangers was so much fun. Getting our faces painted in red and blue and the remains of the same the very next day to the school was a sign of how enjoyable the holi was.
In our times, the colours used to be non-toxic or less toxic so we were carefree while using them. However mom used to take good care of us by oiling our hair and body so that colour didn’t penetrate the skin and hair. Our post holi bath water used to be warm followed by generous miniaturization of the skin.
Today where there is so much adulteration in food and other materials of basic necessity. Being cautious in choosing food and other necessities free from chemical and adulteration is a sign of a wise person.
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Well getting scared of the chemicals and not enjoying your favourite festival of Holi is not cool.
Here’s few momma tips to help you keep safe and sound this holi.
Firstly get organic colours available in market. There are many stores selling these colours made from flowers. Choose pinks and reds as the adulteration is less in these colours. Go for trusted vendors.
Use a limited amount of water for playing, if possible please avoid water. Think of people who do not have potable water to even drink. Save for them. It’s a small step todays saving gallons of water this Holi.
Secondly, prepare yourself for the colour war.
Oil your hair generously with pure almond oil, its a wonderful oil with so many health benefits. Just massage the scalp, rub some oil onto the hair tips. For girls tie them up, make a pleat. Or cover up with your colourful Bandana or scarf. Guys, just be champu (person with lot of oil in the hair) for a day!
Massage few drops of pure almond oil onto the exposed parts of the body like, arms, legs, neck etc. this will make you get rid of colours quickly once you take shower.
Also no one would be able to catch hold of you because you will be slippery as a fish.
Moisturize your face generously. This will avoid the colour to settle on the skin.
Apply nail paint onto your fingers and toe nails. This will protest your nails.
Guys can apply transparent nail paint.
Wear a sunglass to protect your eyes from misfire of water jets, colours etc.
Wear old clothes which do not require immediate washing, or which you can discard post holi.
Always take the shower once you are done with playing. Do not keep washing your skin in between playing, this will only ruin your skin.
Post Holi, use a good cleansing milk to remove all the colour from face, neck, ears, arms, legs etc.
Take shower with warm water, it allows the colours to remove quickly.
Ensure you moisturize your skin thoroughly after bath, as your skin becomes very dry due to colours and warm bath.
Use organic cosmetics for a healthy skin.
Follow the tips mentioned here as these are tried, tested and effective.
Enjoy the festival of colours with love and care. Play Safe!