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Forget Viagra! Figs can improve sex drive and also help in erectile dysfunction

Healthy Food Posted By PureMart 27th Jun 2014 Views : 14568    
Forget Viagra! Figs can improve sex drive and also help in erectile dysfunction

So let's admit it, every man wants to increase his sex drive and some of us will do anything, buy anything for it. Little do we know that the secret to great sex is in our kitchen. Erm... not the kitchen floor... Ever heard that Mughal royals had many wives and sex slaves. It is said that fig helped them in their sexual escapades.

Here are 10 Amazing Benefits Of Natural Figs (a.k.a. Anjeer in Hindi) For Sex, Skin, Hair And Health

  1. Mouth: Chew 2-3 tender fig leaves and gargle with water to overcome bad breath and ulcer.
  2. Sexual Vitality: Fig is an orthodox remedy to increase sexual weakness. Soak 4-5 figs in milk overnight and eat in the morning to overcome weakness.
  3. Kidney Stones: Boil 6 figs in a cup of water. Consume this daily up to a month to remove kidney stones.
  4. Acne: Apply mashed fresh figs all over your face and let it dry for 15-20 minutes. This remedy is useful for curing acne. Also milky juice of fig stem and leaves can be applied daily several times to cure warts. They also have anti-ageing properties.
  5. Diabetes: Since figs are high in potassium, they help reduce insulin. Daily, consume fig seeds with one teaspoon of honey to control diabetes. Try doing this for a week to see good results. Also Fig leaves can be consumed for anti-diabetic properties
  6. Healthy Bones: Figs have good amount of calcium in it. This helps to strengthen bones.
  7. Chicken Pox: Early stages of chicken pox can be treated with figs.
  8. Weight Loss: Figs include good amount of dietary fibers, which are helpful for reducing body weight.
  9. Sore Throat: Mix dries fig and honey in water to get rid of sore throat.
  10. Constipation: Consume 2-3 soaked dried figs with a tablespoon of honey. Use this continuously for a month every morning to relive constipation.

Now a days figs are readily available in Market.

You can also Buy Figs Online here at puremart.in for a healthy start.